Tonight on the highway, my cars A pillar was struck by a stone thrown from an overpass. via /r/cars

Tonight on the highway, my cars A pillar was struck by a stone thrown from an overpass.

I just wanted to share my experience with you guys, because I feel like these kind of experiences should be shared to raise awareness.

My hands are still shaking after 1.5 hours from the incident.

Tonight, I was driving from the neighboring cities airport to my home, around 12 pm, after a family holiday and I asked my dad if I could drive, he agreed. As a fairly new driver on the road, I am the designated driver for these kind of easy drives to sharpen up my skills. Everything was going well right to the point where we were struck by a stone to the right side A pillar. I was going around 130 kph on the highway. As we approached said overpass, I saw a silhouette of a young man waving towards upcoming traffic from the overpass, slightly hanging from the bars and thought, no big deal, probably some drunk teenager trying to grab attention, for a split second right before I heard the loud bang on the windshield.

That piece of human filth threw a fist sized rock to our car and hit the right side A pillar. A few centimeters to the middle, that rock could seriously harm somebody in the car. And mind you, 130 kph is a serious speed.

This is the first time something like this happened to me and also it’s the first time I’ve ever heard anything like this is spoken of around me. I asked my dad to call the police, trying not to swear violently in front of my parents. Right after the toll booths, I stopped to inform the police. They said they would take a look at it but I doubt the criminals responsible for this incident will ever be caught. Also, according to the Turkish traffic law, this is not a “traffic accident” so I doubt we will be paid for our damage from the insurance company.

The windshield hopefully didn’t shatter but it is badly cracked and there is a fist size crater on the A pillar where the stone struck. Fortunately nobody in the car was harmed, we are all safe and sound. I can’t still shake off the fact that someone in the car I was driving could be seriously injured even though I was not to blame. I can’t unthink the scenarios that could happen if the stone was to hit anywhere else.

I actually saw 3-4 cars stopped on the shoulder after said overpass, I hope they didn’t experience what we did. Fortunately, the highway I was driving on was nearly empty.

I don’t want to call this a near-death experience but I am seriously shaken and doubt I will be driving for a while.

And I can’t shake off the fact that someone near my age (probably) could be such inconsiderate and indecent.

Stay safe Reddit. (Even though I don’t know how to avoid this type of thing)

TL;DR: Some piece of total human indecency threw a rock from an overpass towards my car while I was driving at 130 kph around 12 pm and the stone struck the A pillar. Everyone in the car is fortunately okay.

P.S. I apologize for any grammatical errors that occured during this story, I am not a native speaker.

The aftermath:

via Autobuzz Today
