Five Companies and Dealers on the Naughty List

five companies and dealers on the naughty list

Maybe it's a coincidence, or maybe we're just paying closer attention as we trawl for news -- or maybe it's that phenomenon where when you see a story on a given topic, you start seeing more.

Regardless, we've seen a ton of "dealership behaving badly" stories lately. As well as "companies behaving badly" stories. Even wrote a few.

So, here's a quick roundup of five dealers who might be seeing lumps of coal in their stockings this weekend.

five companies and dealers on the naughty list

This Kia dealer got hit with a huge fine for deceptive practices. Like, over a million dollars huge.

five companies and dealers on the naughty list

Additional dealer markups are a problem, and this dealer is asking more than double for a Honda Civic Type R. Seems crazy to us.

five companies and dealers on the naughty list

Ah, Hertz. Hertz has been in trouble for years, and our Matt Posky covers the latest.

five companies and dealers on the naughty list

Apparently, you can buy tools that roll back odometers. Any dealer that does this definitely belongs on the naughty list. Apparently, this is a trend now.

five companies and dealers on the naughty list

And we close with one more case of ADM. In this case it's a used-car dealer on the outskirts of Chicago asking Ferrari prices for a Corvette Z06 that has about 25 miles on it. That is, well, rather excessive.

Merry Christmas to all of those on this list. Please use that lump of coal as a sign to be better in the new year. And hey, add a few more and you can use them to grill!

Let's hope for a nicer, saner 2023.

[Images: Steve Cukrov/, YouTube screenshot, Honda, vieninsweden/Shutterstock, Lamborghini, Volo Auto Sales]

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via Autobuzz Today
