QOTD: Is Elon Musk's Twitter Behavior Affecting Your Perception of Tesla?

qotd is elon musk s twitter behavior affecting your perception of tesla

I've been following the Elon Musk Twitter drama relatively closely. In part because I use Twitter on a personal level, in part because TTAC has an official account, in part because of Musk's connection to this industry, and in part because I care about misinformation/disinformation.

One thing I've noticed, at least anecdotally, is that some Twitter users are saying that a combination of Musk's individual tweeting and his management of the company are working together to paint his car brand in a bad light. I've even seen articles to that effect.

So, is that the case? Have you seen Tesla in a more negative light because of what's going on with Musk's stewardship of Twitter? Or does it not matter?

I see a few options here: You already didn't like how Musk ran Tesla (from quality issues to racism at plants to his dangerous takes on Covid to union busting, Musk has been quite controversial over the years), you compartmentalize what he does at Twitter from what he does at Tesla, you like Musk and/or what he's doing at Twitter, or you just don't care.

Sound off below.

[Image: Sergei Elagin/Shutterstock.com]

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