EU Bans the Sales of New ICE Vehicles Starting in 2035

the eu banned the sales of new ice vehicles starting in 2035

The European Union has taken earlier and more drastic steps to stem the tide of climate change than many other parts of the world. Fuel economy and emissions standards are stricter there, and yesterday, the EU announced the passage of its most restrictive gas vehicle policies yet. The updated law bans selling new internal combustion vehicles starting in 2035.

It’s worth noting that the law has another regulatory approval step before becoming official. Once the process is complete, the updated legislation bans new gas and diesel vehicles starting in 2035 and aims to cut 55 percent of CO2 emissions for new cars starting in 2030, up from an earlier 37.5 percent target.

The plan also looks to slash emissions from vehicles like trucks and buses. Officials are targeting a 45 percent reduction in emissions starting in 2030, followed by a 65 percent drop starting in 2035 and a 90 percent cut starting in 2040. City buses must go full zero-emissions beginning in 2030. The rules won’t ban the use of gas vehicles, so the EU will still have a significant number of used ICE vehicles on the roads. 

The United States is a hodgepodge of legislation, but several are moving toward gas vehicle bans. California and New York have announced plans for ICE prohibition, and several other states tend to follow suit. Massachusetts and Washington have legislation requiring them to follow the Golden State’s lead, so the trend may grow quickly once it begins. 

[Image: Matej Kastelic via Shutterstock]

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via Autobuzz Today
