QOTD: Situational Bad Driving

qotd situational bad driving

On the road this morning, I encountered a motorist who couldn't decide whether to turn left onto a side street or right into a parking lot. They eventually figured out where they needed to go (right) but not before delaying those of us behind them.

I was tempted to go nuts and yell and gesticulate but my more reasonable side kicked in -- maybe they just were lost, trying to find a certain place (the parking lot is for a local hospital) and their GPS failed them. Or something like that.

Then I realized that even the best drivers screw up sometimes, and sometimes those screw-ups are a result of circumstance. Such as being lost and having your GPS send you the wrong way.

Living in an urban area, I often see it with people looking for a parking space -- they're trolling slowly and I get upset at how turtle-like they're driving, until I realize they're just looking for an open spot that doesn't have a hydrant next to it.

So, I ask of you -- what circumstance turns you into a bad or annoying driver all of a sudden? Is it slowing for a speed cam? Being uncertain of the next turn? Looking for parking? Something else?

Sound off below.

[Image: Twinsterphoto/Shutterstock.com]

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