Lexus Continues Teasing Next-Gen GX SUV

lexus continues teasing next gen gx suv

With the 2024 Lexus GX forthcoming, the manufacturer has been issuing teasers to whet the public appetite. Thus far, it seems like the company will be offering a boxy design hoping to balance a rugged aesthetic without sacrificing a sense of luxury. But the initial teasers looked extremely aggressive, undermining the premium nature of the brand. 

But Lexus issued another teaser image this week, offering a better sense of the vehicle that’s slated to debut next month. 

This is the best look we’ve had at the SUV and undoubtedly proves that the automaker has indeed leaned into hard angles. The design is incredibly boxy with a lot of straight lines separating body panels. Considering the vehicle’s off-road bend, that’s probably not going to upset too many people. However, it was assumed that the GX would attempt to upgrade its on-road manners after swapping to the TNGA-F platform. 

Looks aren’t necessarily indicative of how something drives. But the automaker having focused on a rugged-looking exterior that evokes a sense of traditional SUVs would seem to suggest that it wants consumers to see the GX as remaining focused on tackling rougher terrain. 

The only other details we’re getting from the teaser shows that the model comes with a full-width taillight, a lot of glass, and the most upright D-pillar you’re likely to come across. It looks pretty good from the rear. But your author has concerns that Lexus might go mad with another oversized plastic grille. 

While a matter of taste, and something that definitely works on several of the brand’s products, it doesn’t bring forth any assumptions about Lexus being premium luxury vehicles. For some of us, they’re just too reminiscent of the ridiculous grilles that came on oversized body kits teens used to slap on beat-to-death imports. But it’s best not to issue final judgment until we’ve actually seen what the company has on offer. 

Lexus’ official debut for the next-generation GX takes place on June 8th.

lexus continues teasing next gen gx suv

[Image: Toyota Motor Corp]

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