Housekeeping: Happy Fourth

housekeeping happy fourth

Hi there. You've probably noticed that it's afternoon Eastern time and there haven't been any posts til now. Normally that would mean we're busy working on the content with the plan of posting in the afternoon, but as you know, we're about to come upon a major holiday.

No, we haven't totally taken off for the Fourth this far in advance. But the schedule will be a little different. Click the jump and I'll explain.

Regular readers know we put out somewhere between 5-10 posts per day. Well, some of us are on vacation and one of us is going to be preoccupied with a NASCAR race taking place 5 or 6 six miles from his house (that would be me). So there will be a few posts today and Monday, but likely less than normal. Tuesday we will be off to "celebrate the independence of [our] nation by blowing up a small part of it". Yes, I use that quote every year, but I don't care, it never gets old.

In general, we'll probably be a bit light over the next week with hopes to kick back into a higher gear as July rolls on. Yours truly is scheduled to participate in two first drives during the month.

So, that's that. Be safe this weekend and Tuesday, don't drink and drive, and don't blow yourself up.


(Oh, and Canada is cool, too).

[Image: Romolo Tavani/]

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