QOTD: Does J.D. Power Matter to Your Car-Buying Experience?

qotd does j d power matter to your car buying experience

About a week and a half ago, we asked you how the automotive media influences your car-buying process. Now we're going to ask you about J.D. Power, specifically.

This is because while J.D. Power does produce some content, the company has made its bones based on customer satisfaction surveys. This is anecdotal, but I feel like the non-car-enthusiasts in my life tend to use Consumer Reports and sites like Cars.com (and hopefully, us!) for reviews and J.D. Power for insights into quality and reliability.

But that's just what I've experienced. It might be different for you. I ask of you -- do J.D. Power numbers matter to you when car shopping?

Sound off below.

[Image: Sashkin/Shutterstock.com]

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via Autobuzz Today
