QOTD: Seeing Gran Turismo?

qotd seeing gran turismo

The Gran Turismo movie, appropriately named Gran Turismo, opened on Friday.

Did you see it? If not, do you plan to?

I am a bit hesitant to see it, since Hollywood has a tendency to screw up racing movies -- with Ford Versus Ferrari and Rush being exceptions -- and because the ads didn't make it look very good.

I also did not like how one ad highlighted the line "if you take the wrong line, you could die." That's a paraphrase, but the quote is somewhere along those lines. While that's technically true, the commercial seemed to suggest that the movie was overselling the drama. Yes, you could crash if you take the wrong line while racing, and in theory you could die if you crash, but there's a wide spectrum between a harmless off-track excursion and death.

Maybe I am being unfair -- maybe the movie shows more of the nuance that's present in real life.

And hey, David Harbour is a good actor. So maybe this movie is worth it?

What say you? Did you see it? Was it good? Are you going to see it? Should I see it, and if so, should I try to catch it in the theater or wait til it streams?

[Image: ymgerman/Shutterstock.com]

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